Zambia Air Force Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 ZAF Final List PDF Download

Zambia Air Force Shortlisted Candidates 2024 are now available: to view the ZAF list of successful applicants, go to www.airforce.mil.zm and then follow the download instructions on this page.

Hello and welcome to VACANCY NEWS, where we bring you the most recent job openings from across Africa on a daily basis. Not only that, but we outline the simple steps for applying for these jobs, and success is guaranteed.

Today’s focus on this page is to show you an easy way to download and review Zambia Air Force recruitment shortlisted candidates.

So, if you have been waiting for the release of ZAF shortlisted candidates, be advised that the list is now available, and you can check it by following the steps below.

How to Check/Download Zambia Air Force Shortlisted Candidates

  • To begin, go to the ZAF portal at www.airforce.mil.zm.
  • Choose a career from the menu bar.
  • Scroll down the page and click on the candidates who have been shortlisted.
  • Use any PDF reader to open the downloaded file.
  • Enter your name or application number in the search bar.

If your name is among the shortlisted candidates, you will be taken directly to the page containing your information. It’s also worth noting that you’ll need internet access to complete the preceding steps.

Just a quick reminder that it is necessary to review the general criteria that qualify one for shortlisting.

  • Possession of 14 or fewer points at the Grade 12 level, which should include English, Mathematics, Science, and any two subjects.
  • The applicant must have a grade point average of 14 or less in English Language, Math, and two other subjects in grade 12.
  • The applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 25.
  • Candidates must have a valid form of identification, such as the green national registration card, when applying.
  • The applicant must be a law-abiding, responsible citizen.
  • The applicant must be physically, mentally, and medically fit.

What Should I Do After Reviewing the Shortlisted Zambia Air Force Candidates?

After you’ve confirmed that your name is on the shortlist, the next step is to gather all of your academic credentials and other required documents.

Also, keep an eye on your email for any updates or notifications regarding the Zambia Air force interview date.

If you have any additional questions about the Zambia Air Force recruitment shortlisted candidates, please leave them in the comments section below.