Nigeria Police Guarantor Form PDF Download 2024:

Nigeria Police Guarantor Form PDF Download 2024: Interested applicants in search for an easy way to download the PDF file of the Nigeria Police Force Guarantor Form can now visit the official portal of NPF at and get started. Read through for more information.

To be a guarantor for someone applying to the Nigeria Police, there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet.

Basic Information About Nigeria Police Guarantor Form

First, you must be at least 21 years of age. The police want guarantors who are mature and responsible. You’ll also need to be of good character and reputation. That means no criminal record or history of unlawful behavior.

Second, you must be a resident of Nigeria. The police prefer guarantors who are familiar with and permanently live in the communities they serve. As a resident, you’ll have a stake in who joins the police force.

Third, you must be gainfully employed or have a steady source of income. The police want guarantors who are financially stable and secure. If the applicant fails to meet their obligations, the guarantor may be called upon to step in, so you must be able to do so.

  • Gainfully employed examples: civil servant, business owner, tradesman
  • Steady income examples: pensioner, investor, landlord

Fourth, you cannot be an immediate family member of the applicant. The police frown upon nepotism and want objective, unbiased guarantors.

Finally, you must provide identification documents like a driver’s license, national ID card, or passport. These prove you are who you say you are and confirm your age, residency, and identity.

Meeting these requirements shows the police you are a responsible, upstanding member of the community willing to support them in upholding high standards. By serving as a guarantor, you play an important role in shaping the future of the force. Make sure any applicant you guarantee is of the same high caliber.

How to Complete the Nigeria Police Guarantor Form

To complete the Nigeria Police Guarantor Form, you’ll need to provide information about your guarantor, someone who can vouch for your good character. This is an important part of the police recruitment process, so follow these steps carefully:

First, visit to download the original PDF file of the NPF Guarantor Form.

Then, choose a reputable guarantor. This should be someone who has known you for at least 5 years, like a teacher, religious leader, or community leader. Make sure they are in good standing in the community and willing to complete the required paperwork on your behalf.

Next, have your guarantor provide their personal information, including full name, address, occupation, and years known. They will also need to give details about their position or organization. All of this helps to establish their credibility.

Your guarantor will then need to answer questions about your character and background. They should speak to your trustworthiness, honesty, and law-abiding nature. If possible, have them give specific examples of your good conduct and behavior over the years they have known you.

Finally, your guarantor must sign and date the form in the presence of a lawyer, notary public, or police officer. Their signature and the witness’ seal or stamp helps to authenticate the information provided.

With a reputable and willing guarantor, completing the required personal information, and signing in the presence of an official witness, the Nigeria Police Guarantor Form can be submitted on your behalf. This step gets you one step closer to joining the police force and serving your community. Good luck!

Responsibilities and Obligations of a Police Recruit Guarantor

As a guarantor for a police recruit in Nigeria, you have certain responsibilities and obligations to fulfill. The Nigerian Police Force wants to ensure that each candidate they accept has a reputable sponsor to vouch for their character.

1. Conduct Background Check

The first step is to thoroughly vet the applicant to ensure they meet the minimum requirements and have a clean record. Run a background check to confirm their stated personal information and search for any past criminal offenses or questionable behavior.

Only agree to be a guarantor if you are fully confident in the candidate’s integrity and potential.

2. Provide Recommendation

You will need to provide a written recommendation for the applicant highlighting their strengths, work ethic, values, and why you believe they will make an upstanding police officer.

Share specific examples of their good judgment, trustworthiness, and decision-making skills. Your recommendation carries significant weight in the selection process, so be sincere in your support.

3. Accept Legal Responsibility

As a guarantor, you legally vouch for the conduct and performance of the recruit. If they commit any offenses during training or fail to fulfill their duties once employed, you may face penalties as well.

You are essentially co-signing on their career, so do not take this obligation lightly. Make sure you maintain a close relationship with the recruit even after they have been accepted into the police force.

4. Attend Screening and Interviews

You may be asked to accompany the applicant to their screening, medical checkup, and interview. Your presence provides moral support and helps to verify the information they provide.

Be prepared to answer any follow-up questions about the candidate and your recommendation. Showing your willingness to participate in these stages of the application demonstrates your genuine sponsorship.


Being a police recruit guarantor is a serious commitment that requires diligence, honesty, and a sense of responsibility. While it may seem like a mere formality, you play an integral role in helping suitable candidates join the Nigerian Police Force to serve and protect citizens.