KADSUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2024: All candidates who registered for the Kaduna State Teachers Recruitment 2024 are recommended to check the portal to see if their names are on the Kaduna State Subeb Shortlist 2024.
The Kaduna State Universal Basic Education Board (KADSUBEB) therefore invites interested and qualified applicants to submit applications for appointments as the Education Secretary or as teachers in public elementary schools throughout the state.
Kaduna State SUBEB Shortlisted Candidates 2024 Update
Five (5) steps make up the recruiting process for Kaduna Subeb Teachers, and they are as follows:
- Application
The Kaduna State Subeb recruiting process begins with the application stage, where candidates can submit their applications. The portal does not accept new applications at this time, thus this step is currently closed.
- Verification of Applications by the Board
The Kaduna State Subeb board and staff can now examine the requirements analysis and utilize this information to disclose the names of the applicants who have been shortlisted for the 2024 Kaduna Subeb teachers registration. You will undoubtedly be selected for the post you apply for if you match the prerequisites.
- Call for Computer-Based Test for Shortlisted Applicants
The request for a computer-based test for selected candidates
Shortlisted candidates for the Kaduna State Subeb teachers recruitment must print out their CBT Scheduled Slip at this point in order to determine the location and time of their exam. Only candidates who have been shortlisted will be invited to the CBT Test; use the instructions below to print your CBT slip.
- Interview for Qualified Applicants by the Board
Only candidates who successfully complete the computer-based test will be invited to an interview. So, it is crucial that you study diligently in order to pass the computer-based exam. We have a prepared list of potential questions and answers, which we are selling for N2,000. Contact Us @ +2347031822769 if you are interested in purchasing.
- Final Shortlist of successful candidates
This is the last and final stage; the names of the selected candidates will be made public for one last look. As soon as we reach this point, we will publish the list. In the meantime, you can leave a comment with your email address to receive a notification from us when the final list is made public.
How To Check The KADSUBEB Shortlisted Candidates
- Please go to kadsubebjobs.com.
- Find the button for “Shortlisted Candidates.“.
- Click “sign in” after entering your application number, email address, or phone number.
- In the left pane, select the Shortlisted Candidates link.
- To choose two (2) subjects pertaining to your area of specialization, click the Choose Schedule Slip link.
- Click the Print Schedule Slip button once step 5 has been finished.
NOTE: The Kaduna State Government is dedicated to diversity and gender justice and is an equal opportunity employer. People with disabilities (PwD) are urged to apply as well.