ICPC Training Date 2024/2025 Duration, Camp & Requirements:

ICPC Training Date 2024: The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission’s board has released the training date and location for all those who were shortlisted. All candidates must be aware of the date of ICPC training, as anyone who fails to show up on or before the assigned date would result in disqualification.

Therefore, this page will reveal the ICPC training date, location, and venue. All you need to do is to go through this page carefully to get the basic information needed for the training.

As a result, if you want to know the exact date for the ICPC Training, then continue reading because this web page contains all the details you require.

ICPC Training 2024 Facilities

Sessions for training will be held by the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission at designated locations. All selected candidates are required to arrive on time at their respective training sites. If you fail to appear at the training facility within the designated time, you have rejected the offer.

Several states in the nation will host the training exercise.

CHECK OUT: ICPC Recruitment Form 2024 Application Registration Portal

You will be informed of the precise training date and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission training camp by your registered phone number and email. Keep an eye on your inbox to be updated on these details.

Training Requirements for ICPC

For this training to kick off, candidates are expected to bring the following items:

  • Two current passport pictures
  • Original and a copy of their National ID
  • Birth Certificate or Age Declaration
  • Correctly fill out Guarantor’s Form

Date of ICPC Training 2024

It is significant to note that the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) has requested that all applicants who successfully completed the training procedure report to one of their many training facilities. All the shortlisted candidates are specifically invited to hear this news.

We provide the most up-to-date information regarding the ICPC training’s date, venue and location. The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission hasn’t determined a date for the 2024 ICPC recruitment training program, though. We’ll update this page when the exact date is known.

To stay current and never miss an update, often check our website. We suggest that you bookmark or save this website and periodically check it to stay up-to-date on the ICPC training date and location.

Finally, we sporadically update the most recent information about the training date of the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission. For information on the ICPC training camp and location, check this website periodically.

Additionally, you may bookmark or save this web page and always visit it to check the latest information regarding the training.