Federal Fire Service Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 www.nafdac.gov.ng

Federal Fire Service Shortlisted Candidates 2024. The FFS shortlisted candidate is out. Check out the basic information to view your names.

The names of the individuals who have been shortlisted for the Federal Fire Service recruiting for 2024 have been made public. As a result, anyone that applied for the Federal Fire Service should double-check their information.

The Federal Fire Service has notified all applicants that the names of individuals who were chosen for the position have been made public. You can find out by following the steps below.

Is Federal Fire Service Shortlist Out?

The names of those who have been shortlisted for the Federal Fire Service FFS Employment 2024 have been made public. As a result, all applicants who apply for Federal Fire Service positions should double-check their names.

The Federal Fire Service should notify all applicants who applied recently that the names of selected candidates have been released. The steps below will assist you in checking.

Guidelines To Check The Federal Fire Service Shortlisted Candidates

Use these methods to look for the names of the FFS shortlisted candidates:

  • To access the Federal Fire Service portal, go to http://fedfire.gov.ng/rportal/welcome/auth.
  • Click the PDF file to see the names of the candidates who have been shortlisted.
  • Download the list in PDF format.
  • Save it somewhere you’ll be able to find it later, such as your computer.
  • Open the PDF file to view the list by state.

Visit http://fedfire.gov.ng/rportal/welcome/auth to access the Federal Fire Service login page.

  • Enter your application number.
  • Click status check.

The Nigerian Fire Service was established in 1901 as a section of the Lagos Police Fire Brigade. A parliamentary act established the Federal Fire Service in April 1963.

The Federal Fire Service (FFS) is in charge of rescue operations, fire mitigation, fire fighting, paramedic care, and information services, according to the law.