Federal Fire Service Recruitment Portal 2024/2025 Application Form

Federal Fire Service Recruitment 2024: There has been a need for the federal government in alliance with the federal fire service to recruit additional firefighters to help in the combat of fire outages across the country. The addition of qualified staff will also help reduce the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria.

Over the years, the Federal Fire Service has lacked staff across the 36 states in Nigeria. Based on this, the federal government of Nigeria has decided to engage in massive recruitment for the year 2024. This massive Federal Fire Service recruitment exercise will help in the following;

  1. To help reduce the rate of unemployment in the country
  2. Will introduce a good relationship between the youth and the government at large
  3. Put smiles on the faces of new employees
  4. Lastly, reduce fire outbursts in Nigeria

Why Apply for the 2024 Federal Fire Service Recruitment?

Apart from the recent invitation by the Civil Defence, Correctional, Fire and Immigration Services Board (CDCFIB), it is expedient to successfully apply for the ongoing FFS recruitment exercise, as the job remains one of the most secured government jobs in Nigeria. Note that once employed, there are numerous benefits attached to every staff.

Which is why you must ensure to follow each of the instructions outlined by the Federal Fire Service, secondly, anyone who fails to meet the basic requirements might not be called up for the next recruitment phase.

Available positions in the Federal Fire Service (FFS)

The CDCFIB is currently inviting applications from qualified applicants for full-time employment to fill available vacancies in the following positions in the Federal Fire Service (FFS).


  1. Inspector of Fire (IF) CONPASS 07 (Nursing): Applicants in this category must be either one of the following; (These categories of applicants must obtain their certificates from recognized institutions.)
    1. Registered Nurses (RN),
    2. Registered Midwives (RM),
    3. Registered Nurses/Midwives (RNIM)
  2. Assistant Inspector of Fire (AIF), CONPASS 06

Applicants in this category must have obtained their NCE or National Diploma (ND) in any field. Note, this certificates must be obtained from any accredited and recognized Polytechnic/Institution.


  • Fire Assistant II (FA II) CONPASS 04 and Fire Assistant III (FAIII), Appliance Driver (Specialist), CONPASS 03

To qualify for this category, eligible applicants must be holders of General Certificate of Education (GCE Ordinary level), SSCE or NECO with a maximum of five (5) credits. Note, this certificate must not be more than two sittings, (English and Mathematics must be included).

Applicants for Fire Assistant III (FAIII), Appliance Driver (Specialist) with Class E Drivers’ License is an added advantage

Requirements for 2024 Federal Fire Service Recruitment

  1. Firstly, qualified applicants must be Nigerians by birth;
  2. Applicants must be fully fit and must present certificates of fitness from any Government recognized hospitals;
  3. Applicants must be financial free and must be free from any loan embarrassment from any organization
  4. Qualified applicants must not be under 18 and above 35 years;
  5. Height: (1.65m for male and 1.60m for female);
  6. Chest measurement must not be under 0.87 for men;
  7. Having a computer knowledge from any applicant will be of added advantage.
  8. Applications submitted online after Six (6) weeks from the date of publication will not be processed.

How to Apply for 2024 Federal Fire Service Recruitment

Applications has been announced to be completed online. All qualified candidates are expected to log on to the FFS official portal at, to fill, upload required documents and submit the application form online.

In addition, candidates are advised to print out the Referee Forms, after the submission of the application form, this Referee Forms must be duly completed for submission during the screening exercise.

Finally, all applications must be submitted online via the FFS official portal within Six (6) weeks from the date of publication.