FCSC Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 Full PDF Download

FCSC Shortlisted Candidates 2024: The federal civil service commission shortlist has been announced via the FCSC official portal. See full details below.

The list of candidates shortlisted for interviews from applications received during the 2016 recruitment exercise has been made public by the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC).
See the guidelines below:

  • All applicants who have been shortlisted should look for their names under their state of origin, which is stated below.
  • After that, check the schedule to see when the interview for your ministry or cadre has been scheduled.
  • Applicants must rigorously follow the time and date that have been set out for their ministries or cadets.
  • Applicants who have been shortlisted should bring two (2) passport-size photos as well as their form of identification, such as a driver’s license, national ID card, or passport from another country.
  • Also, candidates must bring two (2) photocopies of each document that has been properly endorsed by them, in addition to the originals of their credentials.

The list of applicants shortlisted for an interview with the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) has been made public. These shortlisted individuals were selected from the 2016 FCSC recruitment process.

So, it is expected that every applicant will check the website https://vacancy.fedcivilservice.gov.ng/ to see if they were chosen. Also, they must appear for the interview at the scheduled times and locations, if they are chosen.


The 36 federated states are represented on the list of applicants shortlisted for Federal Civil Service Commission interviews. Ministries of Education, Labor & Productivity, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Information and Culture, Power, Works and Housing, and Science and Technology are among those responsible for hiring.

The remaining ministries are the Bureau of Public Procurement, Office of the Federation’s Auditor-General, Office of the Federation’s Surveyor-General, and the Ministry of Transportation.

How To Check The FCSC Shortlisted Candidates For Interview

All applicants must complete the following in order to check for the Federal Civil Service Commission Interview.

  • Go to https://vacancy.fedcivilservice.gov.ng/ to access the webpage.
  • Check your state of origin for your name under “Applicants Shortlisted for Interview” or click “Recruitment Results” and choose that option for all shortlisted candidates.
  • After that, check the schedule to see when the interview for your ministry or cadre has been scheduled.
  • Applicants must rigorously follow the time and date that have been set out for their ministries or cadets.
  • Applicants who have been shortlisted should bring two (2) passport-size photos as well as their form of identification, such as a driver’s license, national ID card, or passport from another country.
  • Candidates must also provide two (2) photocopies of each document that has been properly endorsed by them, in addition to the originals of their credentials.

For the avoidance of doubt, applicants are not charged anything to complete or submit an application through the website.