Euro to Naira Black Market Rate 2024 Today – 1 EUR to NGN For This Month

1 EUR to NGN 2024: If you have been wanting to know accurate information on the exchange rate of Euro to Naira (Abokifx) in the black market today and also the official CBN exchange rate of Euro to Naira today, then you will get in detail all the information you needed on this page.

In this page, you will get daily update regarding the exchange rate between Euro and Naira. Note that the Abokifx and the CBN exchange rate are not the same,  and we shall reveal the differences between the black market and the CBN exchange rate. Read through for more information.

As of this month, 2024, you will concur with me that having even one Euro on Nigerian soil means a lot given the current exchange rate. In all honesty, having a few hundred euros in your pocket indicates that you are a big man.

If you have any doubts, you only need to look closely at the current Euro to Naira exchange rate to realize that I am right. Without being instructed, you will concur with me that the black market offers the best value for your money.

Euro to Naira Parallel Market

Euro to Naira (EUR to NGN) Black Market (Abokifx) Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate 924
Buying Rate 890
Pounds to Naira (EUR to NGN) CBN Official Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate 430
Buying Rate 430

What is the aboki exchange rate in Nigeria right now? Perhaps you might be curious in the aboki exchange rate.

You don’t need to worry about the daily conversion rate because it has been calculated and is quite low for euros to naira.

1 EUR to NGN Black Market Rate Today

As you can see, the current black market exchange rate is 924 for euros to naira.

Knowing current prices better will help you bargain more effectively, and always arrive early at the neighborhood street/exchange market.

Noting that the disparity between the black market and parallel currency rates for the conversion of euros to naira—which is 924—is something everyone should be concerned about.
Our automated tool’s data shows that one Euro is currently equivalent to 924 Nigerian naira.

For more information and update about the exchange rate between Euro to Naira for both Nigerian black market (Abokifx) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) official rate, then always visit this page regularly.

Finally, note that this page update the Euro to Naira exchange rates in real-time, so be rest assured of seeing the right figures from the black market (abokifx) and the CBN exchange rate.